About Andy Sinker

Meet Andy, An Award Winning Driving Instructor in Leeds

Steer Your Way to Driving Success with One of The Top-Rated Instructors In Yorkshire & Humberside. Get Ready to Shift Gears and Accelerate Your Skills!


A Love for Driving & Desire to Teach

I'm proud to be an award-winning driving instructor, born and based in Leeds who's passionate about helping people learn to drive for life. From a young age, I knew that this was my dream job, and I've dedicated my career to helping others achieve their own driving dreams. In fact, I'm thrilled to be ranked among the top 6 best driving instructors in Yorkshire & Humberside, as recognized by the Intelligent Instructor Awards.

But more than just receiving awards, what really drives me is my commitment to teaching safe and confident driving skills that last a lifetime. I believe that driving is a privilege, not just a test to pass, and I'm honored to guide learners through every step of the process. And if you're a fan of driving puns, you'll be glad to know that I share your sense of humor - so let's get revved up and start learning!

My Own Training & Development

My Commitment To Learning & Development

As a dedicated driving instructor, I know that staying on top of my game means keeping my skills sharp and my knowledge up-to-date. That's why I spend much of my free time pursuing a wide range of CPD courses and activities that can help me become an even better instructor. Recently, I'm proud to say that I completed my BTEC Level 4 in Coaching For Driving Development, which has given me new insights and techniques for helping learners achieve their full potential on the road.

But I'm always looking for new challenges and opportunities to progress my skills, whether it's exploring the latest teaching methods or learning about cutting-edge safety technologies. After all, driving is a dynamic and ever-evolving field, and I'm committed to keeping my own development in high gear so that I can help my learners do the same!

Let's Get You On The Road